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My yoga teaching method  incorporates breath with postures.  I teach yoga group classes, private sessions, semi-private sessions.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Yoga Energy
St. Petersburg, FL 33709


“I have extreme anxiety when I visit the doctor and because of this, my blood pressure goes up.  After my last doctors visit, I turned to Sophia for help and started taking a once a week private yoga session.  During my last office visit within five minutes of entering the doctor’s office I felt calm and serene.  Also, what I noticed this time was how nice personnel were to me and the doctor normally curt and in a hurry, stood and joked around with me.   Thank you, Sophia!”

Christine………St. Petersburg, Floria

“Yoga has helped me become more flexible and relaxed.  Do to a motorcylce accident forty years ago my left hip aches and is chronically sore.   Now I’m starting to notice the flexibility in that  hip is slowly improving and I credit this to yoga with Sophia.”

Phil……….St. Petersburg, Florida 

“Sophia was very important in my healing and development.  You would do    well to visit Sophia for healing and consultation.”

Sam……….Taos, New Mexico

“In 2006 I walked into Sophia’s class at Taos Spa and Fitness Center in Taos, New Mexico.  I immediately loved her style of teaching.  She taught a Vinyasa slow flow class linking posture and breath.  Her presence brought a profound silence to the practice.  I also became her client with Reiki and later a client with Matrix Energetics.  I credit Sophia for the well-being I enjoy today.  We now live on opposite sides of the country, but are able to work remotely over the phone with any issues that may crop up.  She is profoundly gifted!  Thankfully with love, there is no distance.”

Joan……………..Denver, Colorado

“Practicing yoga with Sophia has far exceeded my expectations.  If approached with an open mind and heart, yoga helps tap into the physical yet serene qualities within yourself which will surprise and delight you!  Sophia is an excellent instructor!”

Polly…………..St. Pete Beach, Florida

I recently had energy work done through Sofia.  During the session I started feeling lighter and more relaxed.  The pounding headache I had when I arrived disappeared.  When I left the session I felt lighter, more centered, awake and balanced than I ever have. The nagging pain and swelling that I had in the left side of my back and  shoulder – for over 5 months – was gone. I’m amazed and plan on returning for more sessions!

Polly………..St. Pete Beach, Florida

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